With Revenue Retriever, you still create customer invoices through Provet Cloud in a similar way to what you are used to.
1. Prepare your invoice in Provet Cloud
In Provet Cloud, start a consultation in the normal way.
When you are finished, click the ‘Ready for discharge’ checkbox as usual.
Revenue Retriever will analyse your invoice. If it does not find anything missing, then you may close the consultation as normal.
However, if Revenue Retriever finds items which may be missing from the invoice, a popup will open, with a list of suggested items for you to review and add to the invoice.
2. Review Revenue Retriever’s suggestions and additions
Revenue Retriever may suggest one or more items which you could add to the customer invoice. It will provide a brief explanation of why these are being recommended.
These may be variants of the same product/service, or they may be separate items which are related to what is already on the customer invoice.
Revenue Retriever will show a maximum of 20 suggested products and services. If none of these is appropriate, then click Cancel to return to the consultation and add the missing product or service in the normal way.
- Review the suggestions and click on the checkbox for the item(s) that you want to add.
- The usual Provet Cloud product dialogue will pop up for you to add the details of the product/service. Enter the details and save.
As you add items, Revenue Retriever will run its checks again. If there are no further issues then it will open a popup to confirm. Click the button, ‘Mark as ready for discharge’.
3. Finalise the consultation
Once all the issues are resolved, you will be returned to the consultation screen. You can see the additional products listed, along with a message from Revenue Retriever confirming that the status has been changed.
Make sure there is a tick in the box next to ‘Ready for discharge’ and close the consultation as normal.
If you need help with this, please speak to your manager or IT specialists.
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